Many schools may argue that they have already implemented latest technologies like smart classes and are conducting regular tests to make their students creative and intelligent, but it is also a fact that all type of virtual teaching methodologies damage child brain. Studies on laptop or tablets are even more dangerous and the simple reason is; Human body has five senses, anyone who is capable of using these senses in HARMONY, I repeat in HARMONY then only he is actually learning or innovating as senses in harmony increases concentration and focus of child.
Child has to use minimum three senses to become creative and innovative.
Tests conducted are either monthly or quarterly, so by time school management comes to know about difficulties of child, it’s too late for corrective action. So if we evaluate students daily or on alternate days then the biggest problem is how we do that as it may require huge manual work? There are many companies who have identified this need and have come up with unique services model for automated checking and analysis of complete teaching methodology without any manual effort.
Students are first taught theory and are expected to implement practically, why can’t we practically implement and then teach them it’s theory? All inventions happened like this only. Teaching theory first is actually conditioning of brain to think in boundaries which can never innovate.
It is a fact that student devote more time in studies at schools rather than at home, moreover we as parents send our child to best possible school just to ensure that he/she gets desired knowledge. We as parents have responsibility to earn so that we pay school to make our child expert in studies. But it is unfortunate that 95% of the students go tuition as all students at school are not proficient in studies and very few (who are already intelligent) come forward. I have also seen that in most of the schools, pattern of teaching is traditional and same i.e. classroom method.
Every child is different so how can school guide all students with a single stick? Can we prescribe same medicine to all patients? Answer is no, then why are schools doing that?
Why can’t school take care of every child, believe me if we say that students who are performing below grade are dumb, then it’s a crime, we are spoiling future of nation and child.
Today students might be 20% of the population but they are 100% of our future.