ABACUS - A Human Calculator

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Like any other organ of human body, our brain also needs regular exercise to keep it fit and sharp. But How?

Mathematics provides ideal exercise for our brain. More time spent with mathematics results in a well exercised and sharper brain. This is simply the reason why a child strong at mathematics is able to tackle other subjects with relative ease.

But most children fear mathematics and often try to escape from its complexities. This is where Abacus comes to aid with technology of photographic memory and right brain. Abacus ensures learning is fun with many benefits like:

(a) Mathematical Expertise
(b) Memory Improvement
(c) Listening Skill
(d) Speed Calculation

(e) Self Confidence
(f) Concentration & Focus
(g) Multi Tasking
(h) Critical Thinking

Technologies Used

Concentration Building
Use of Right Brain
Power of Visualization


24 x 7 Online Practice Module
24 x 7 Student Support
Vedic Math
Memory Mgt. Session
Software Based Learning
National Contest Every Friday
Learn & Earn


The Junior Scientist Program (JSP) was conceptualized keeping in mind to enhance the cognitive power of child. The program works by pampering a child to overcome his/her curiosity about the hidden technology behind any working model. Usually no parent want their child to open and do research on the working model.

It is a scientific fact that human brain develops between ages of 3 to 14 years. At 5 years the child has a very absorbent mind. Their mind is fresh and free from all the responsibilities and stress of life. Therefore we believe in nourishing an absorbent mind or we can say that the correct age for Junior Scientist program is 5 – 14 years. Under this program we encourage and support a child to innovate by working on various projects which are totally based on scientific principles.

Despite the demand of present education system existing in schools, necessity of Junior Scientist Program is inescapable. Here junior scientist learns by doing. Because of which is retained in their permanent memory.

Based on the topic of the project the required raw material kit is provided by ALSUN Technologies. Students under the expert supervision and guidance of the Senior Scientist first understand the concept and then make the working model. Due care is given so that student learns the principle behind the project. Students are also given a detailed instruction sheet so as to understand and refer it any time in future.
It has been observed that students who learn by doing practical have 60% more knowledge in comparison to those students who don’t learn by practical approach. Below are few highlights of Jr. Scientist program:

(a) Platform for overall brain development.
(b) Understanding of day to day technologies.
(d) Do It Yourself methodology.
(e) Direct applicability in real life from day one.

(f) All material of project are provided by us.
(g) Step by step Instruction sheet provided.
(h) Under complete supervision of experts.
(i) Technology used in it's simplest form.
(j) Made from general items.

Technologies Used

Enhances Cognitive Thinking
Induces Collaboration
Practical Exposure of Technology


Our USP’s of JSP

From age group of 3+ years
All materials provided by us
Project sharing to reduce cost
Cost effective project kits
Conducted under expert guidance
More hands-on experience

VEDIC MATH - MathemaTricks

"Vedic Mathematics" refers to a technique of calculation based on a set of 16 Sutras, or aphorisms, as algorithms and their upa-sutras or corollaries derived from these Sutras. Its enthusiasts advance the claim that any mathematical problem can be solved mentally with these sutras.

These formulas are described in such a way that the mind naturally works, and result is in great help for the student in solving the difficult arithmetic problems and huge sums in the shortest and appropriate method. "Vedic Mathematics is said to manifest the coherent and unified structure of arithmetic, and its methods are complementary, direct and easy. These striking and beautiful methods are a part of a system of arithmetic which Tirthaji claims to be far more methodical than the modern system.

The benefits of learning Vedic Maths is using a flexible, mental system. Students can invent their own methods; they are not limited to one method. This leads to more creative, interested, confident and intelligent students.

Technologies Used

Cross checking methods
Solve 50 times faster
Designed competitive exams

Our USP’s of Vedic Math

Easy to understand
Complimentary with Abacus
Practical Exposure

MEMORY MANAGEMENT- A Knowledgeable Child

Memory refers to the manipulation of information that brain stores. It’s a skill kids use to learn. It’s needed for tasks like following remembering difficult things, multi-step directions or solving a math problem mentally.

Memory improvement training is used to help individuals remember increasing amounts of information of a particular type.

It involves effective approaches to encoding, maintenance, and recall from memory. The main goal of strategy training is to increase performance in tasks requiring retention of information. Studies strongly support the claim that the amount of information remembered can be increased by various techniques and management of memory.

Technologies Used

Activity Based Learning
Right Brain Oriented
100% Participation Model

Our USP’s of Memory Mgt.

For age group of 5+ years
Cost effective
Conducted under expert guidance
Min. Theory with practical explanation


Leadership and presentation is self-evolution program which teaches us to examine our behavior, thoughts, habits, feelings and actions. Just look at our planet earth from space; it will look like tiny dot against the vastness of space, so there is lot to see and learn but that is only possible if we rise above primitive instincts and accept ethics and adaptability.

We at ALSUN do not believe in teaching or instructing, our trainer involve themselves as a part of team to make team believe and understand the process of maturation.
When we begin to change ourselves?
We all have data, experience, learning, teachings and are also educated, but the fact is we only change or evolve ourselves the moment when we REALIZE…

Leadership and presentation program is neither yoga nor physical exercise but a mental state which delivers long lasting results. Our Leadership and presentation course is designed such a way that we start realizing and decides to evolve from current stage to next stage.

We will make you realize the importance of:

(a) Art of public speaking
(b) Empowerment
(c) Effective way of conducting Meetings
(d) Transactional Leadership

(e) Seven habits of highly effective people
(f) Why team fails?
(g) Time Management
(h) Value engineering and much more.

Technologies Used

Activity Based Learning
Practical Learning
100% Participation Model

Our USP’s of SEP

From age of group of 5+ years
Cost effective
Expert guidance
Minimum theory
Activity based learning

MOMPUTERS - A Smart Lady

You’re not alone:
If you think computers and the internet are not for you.
If you think you’re too old or stupid to use it.

Computers and the internet have become a part of everyday life, from staying in touch with friends and family, sharing photographs to booking tickets or doing shopping online or helping children in their assignments.

The course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level appreciation program for the mothers. Our purpose is to develop a learning environment that helps mothers to improve their computer skills and thus become more comfortable & safe while using them. With the spread of the Internet, we have more incentive to use computers in daily life. After completing the course the mothers will be able to perform functions as mentioned below in program highlight.

(a) MS Office
(b) Email
(c) Printing
(d) Online Shopping
(e) Online Banking

(e) Online Booking
(f) Social Media
(g) Child Safety
(h) Online Safety.
(i) Scanning / Digitization

Technologies Used

Technology in it's simplest form
Practical Learning
100% Participation Model
Hybrid of daily used technologies

Our USP’s of Momputers

Specially designed for Mothers
Cost effective
Expert guidance
Minimum theory
Activity based learning
Lifetime support